
Day 3 - #5ddaysoftarot

We're on Day 3 of Hilary's #5daysoftarot challenge - today's topic was the Little White Book.  It was a timely discussion and my Intuition gave me a high-5 for following through on getting back into the cards.  I'm loving the approach of this challenge, and feel like I'm more comfortable than ever with my deck.   My card of the day is the Father of Wands.  My interpretation of this card today is that there is a strong energy, and that it's time to start taking action in creative ways.  It's time to start chasing the dreams I say I want.   If it doesn't work out, or the vision changes - that's ok, but it's time to step forward - the time for indecision has passed, get a move on. 

Day 2 - #5daysoftarot

It's day 2 of the #5daysoftarot challenge, created and hosted by Hilary !  If you haven't joined yet, it's not too late - there are 3 more days to go....scoot on over here to get started.  Today she covered reversals - and her approach put me at ease. I've read tarot using and not using them....but I've always wondered what 'proper etiquette' is around reversals. Now I'm feeling more relaxed when it comes to seeing a reversed card in a reading! Ironically I was shuffling my deck (I'm using t his one ) - a reversed Justice shot out of my hands.  Shaking my head, I giggled - because of course that would happen.  I opted to actively draw a card, and set Justice reversed aside.  My card of the day was the Father of Swords.  There's a lot happening in my life behind the scenes right now, and both of these cards are spot on.  I've been giving more weight to some decisions then the point that I'm holdi...

Day 1 - #5daysoftarot

This 5 day card-a-day challenge by tarotbyhilary is just what I needed to get back in the swing of things.  Today she gave some historical background on tarot cards and decks - I loved it!  She also touches briefly on shuffling...something I tend to second-guess myself on, due to my tiny hands.   I'm using the Wild Unknown Deck (first edition), by Kim Krans .  This was my first deck, and will always have a special place in my heart.  It's the one I come back to, time and again...especially when I feel like I can't quite get my footing in life. This particular Mercury Retrograde has been pretty heavy, so it's comforting to get back to something familiar.  The card I drew today was the Ace of Wands.  I can't think of a more beautiful way to start this challenge!  The card is brilliantly colored, and to me - gives off a new beginnings vibe.  Perfect for not only this challenge - but my life in general right now....

Card a Day Challenge with Tarot by Hillary

Consider this your official invitation to join the Tarot by Hillary (free!) 5-day challenge .  If you're just starting to dip your toes into the ocean of Tarot, this is a great place to start.  If you're a Tarot pro - this is still a great challenge - because you will have the opportunity to see how others interpret cards, as well as offer your own insight! I'm planning to post my card and interpretation here daily - as well as on Instagram .  It's been a hectic 6 months for me, so I'm participating in the #5daysoftarot challenge as a way to get back into consistent practice.  I've worked with my cards once or twice a week, instead of daily - so it will be good to get back on that track. I participated privately in this challenge last year, and LOVED it.  Hillary is a beautiful soul, who also hosts #tarotrap on Twitter (if you haven't checked that out, you should!).  I've followed her for quite awhile now...and even though I'm not v...


Just in case you haven't heard, there was an eclipse today!  I wanted to do some research on this, and present you with a much prettier piece on the beauty of science, and eclipses - and what a privilege it is to live in such a time as this, to bear witness to events like this.  But instead of learning more about how eclipses work, and why this one matters - I spent the past few weeks wholly immersed in my life.  I said Yes to things I normally don't, like... -  Wearing my bathing suit  - AND -  feeling good while wearing my bathing suit.  My friend and I started a tiny book-club for 2 - it's by far one of my favorite decisions of this year.  I was assertive in ways I rarely am - and for the first time, was proud of me for taking care of me. A good ol' fashioned girls night sleepover with friends at the beach with drinking games and shots. Having a pig roast and barbecuing our asses off with our Framily. And today, instead of pr...

Rediscovering ritual

There are people who say that Evangelicalism is rife with ritual - and for some, that may be true.  For was lacking.  Something about how the papery wafers, small plastic sips of juice - taken once a month were usually in conjunction with some sort of special occasion or speaker (or offering) never set right with me (though I did love the act of Communion itself).   Scented canola oil, smudged across foreheads by elders who barely glanced at who they were praying for - rarely making eye-contact...whose prayers were generic, repeating themselves from the person before me to the last person in line...however well-intentioned, the stark lack of intentional relationship never jived with my Soul.  As I began to rebuild my faith, I found myself drawn time and again to rituals as part of my spiritual practice.  I began offering thanks to the earth where our garden is planted, observing the moon & its cycles.  Journaling, pulling cards - pr...

My take on Tarot

I've been fascinated with tarot cards for years...there's something about the symbolism and clarification that can be found in them that I love.  Often tarot cards are shrouded in mystery, and unknowing - whether it's from grossly inaccurate media portrayals, or stigma from an upbringing - the truth is, I understand that tarot can be scary for some.  I grew up believing tarot was evil and not to be toyed with.  I'm still very cautious about who reads cards for me, and what sort of weight I give to their readings.   I don't take tarot lightly.  Nor do I take it too seriously, though.   Tarot cards are a tool - not an answer.   They're a way to help me process the world around me - and maybe that's the case for you too.   There are people who get answers from the cards to questions, and there are people who just use it for fun/insight.  I like to use my tarot cards for a combination of the two, depending on what's happening in m...