Day 1 - #5daysoftarot

This 5 day card-a-day challenge by tarotbyhilary is just what I needed to get back in the swing of things.  Today she gave some historical background on tarot cards and decks - I loved it!  She also touches briefly on shuffling...something I tend to second-guess myself on, due to my tiny hands.  

I'm using the Wild Unknown Deck (first edition), by Kim Krans.  This was my first deck, and will always have a special place in my heart.  It's the one I come back to, time and again...especially when I feel like I can't quite get my footing in life. This particular Mercury Retrograde has been pretty heavy, so it's comforting to get back to something familiar. 

The card I drew today was the Ace of Wands.  I can't think of a more beautiful way to start this challenge!  The card is brilliantly colored, and to me - gives off a new beginnings vibe.  Perfect for not only this challenge - but my life in general right now.  There are lots of big things on the horizon - but they're all going to require a helluva lot of spirit has been restless lately - desperate to dive in and get started...but I've been resisting that urge, due to the current Mercury Retrograde.  That decision seems like a good one, because even with all the optimism and excitement of this card, it still cautions to exercise good judgment and discernment without rushing into anything. 
