Day 2 - #5daysoftarot

It's day 2 of the #5daysoftarot challenge, created and hosted by Hilary!  If you haven't joined yet, it's not too late - there are 3 more days to go....scoot on over here to get started.  Today she covered reversals - and her approach put me at ease. I've read tarot using and not using them....but I've always wondered what 'proper etiquette' is around reversals. Now I'm feeling more relaxed when it comes to seeing a reversed card in a reading!

Ironically I was shuffling my deck (I'm using this one) - a reversed Justice shot out of my hands.  Shaking my head, I giggled - because of course that would happen.  I opted to actively draw a card, and set Justice reversed aside.  My card of the day was the Father of Swords. 

There's a lot happening in my life behind the scenes right now, and both of these cards are spot on.  I've been giving more weight to some decisions then the point that I'm holding myself back, and I know it.  Justice reversed (to me) is reminding me that I have the answers I need within me, if I'm willing to release all of my irrational 'what-ifs', 'this is too much responsibility' and 'I can'ts'.  It's time to press on, and stop allowing overwhelm and indecision to run the show. 

My card of the day (Father of Swords) is serving as a reminder to trust my intuition and perceptions - they've gotten me to where I am now - and will continue to guide me if I'm willing to let them.  It's time to free myself from the cobwebs of Doubt and start making the moves I claim to want.  After all, the worst that could happen would be - gasp - a mistake, or a flop - and it's not like I've never done that before.  
