Rediscovering ritual

There are people who say that Evangelicalism is rife with ritual - and for some, that may be true.  For was lacking.  Something about how the papery wafers, small plastic sips of juice - taken once a month were usually in conjunction with some sort of special occasion or speaker (or offering) never set right with me (though I did love the act of Communion itself).  

Scented canola oil, smudged across foreheads by elders who barely glanced at who they were praying for - rarely making eye-contact...whose prayers were generic, repeating themselves from the person before me to the last person in line...however well-intentioned, the stark lack of intentional relationship never jived with my Soul. 

As I began to rebuild my faith, I found myself drawn time and again to rituals as part of my spiritual practice.  I began offering thanks to the earth where our garden is planted, observing the moon & its cycles.  Journaling, pulling cards - prayers lifted wordlessly from my Soul to the heavens - all of these felt natural and meaningful - things I believe a spiritual practice should be.  

This year, I decided it was time to branch out - and seek a deeper understanding of the practices I've begun dancing with.  Enter Many Moons Vol. 2 - a remarkable resource produced by Modern Women.  I'd heard about the original Many Moons workbook - and was fascinated, but it sold out before I could get a copy.   

The workbook is filled to the brim with insight, ritual ideas, and more.  It's a tool I've fallen in love with, and it's only a month in!  

Do you have a devotional practice, or specific spiritual practice you use?  
How did you begin?  

